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writing practices to find your inner resilience and peace in uncertain times

When life is uncertain, it’s easy to forget just how capable you truly are. Yet even in the midst of heartache, hardship, or life’s big transitions and upheavals, you have access to a sanctuary within you.

What you’ll find in these pages are writing practices and prompts to remind you of your strengths and gifts, even when things fall apart.

Sanctuary offers intuitive writing practices focused on five essential qualities to guide you through uncertain times:

Resilience | Trust | Surrender | Rest | Peace

For each quality, you’ll find a gathering of reflections and writing exercises you can work with for as little or as long as you'd like. Drawing on timeless wisdom such as self-compassion, earth cycles, and radical acceptance, you'll find new perspectives to see your current experience with fresh eyes.

You'll also find invitations and guidance on how to:

  • Experience the benefits of intuitive writing

  • Cultivate your personal writing practice

  • Develop a deeper inner listening

  • Access your greatest strengths and gifts

Sanctuary is a small yet powerful book to help you remember the inner resilience, hope, and strength that already exists within you.


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About the author
I’m Leah Kent
, a writer, book coach, and book designer.

I help radiant, creative visionaries just like you to bring their books and sacred body of work to life.

I support heart-centered creatives, experts, and entrepreneurs to write and publish books that share their message, establish their thought-leadership, and expand their impact and visibility.

I wrote Sanctuary as a gathering of wisdom from my own journey navigating times of uncertainty, heartache, and loss. My greatest hope is that this book helps you find your greatest strengths and blessings so you never forget the truth of your resilience.

Click here to learn more about working together to write the book that embodies and amplifies your visionary message.